Funeral for the Mountains: Monday Oct. 17


    ( – promoted by lowkell)

    On Monday, Oct 17, Gov. McDonnell starts his VA Energy Conference. With the VA Dept of Mines, Minerals and Energy poised to authorize the destruction of Ison Rock Ridge, we need to demonstrate to Gov. McDonnell and the public that mountaintop removal coal mining is not acceptable.

    We will be holding a funeral for the mountains that have already been lost to mountaintop removal mining, and be holding DMME and the Governor accountable for any future destruction as resulting from the approval of mine permits. Here we will make a plea for those who live at the base of Ison Rock Ridge, a mountain that is slated to be destroyed by a 1,200 acre mountaintop removal coal mine.

    WHEN:  Monday, Oct. 17, 5:00pm

    WHERE: Richmond Convention Center, 5th and Marshall Streets

    Wear black to this funeral and sing along with the bagpiper to Amazing Grace.

    Click here to RSVP.

    Ison Rock Ridge sits above five small communities made up of 1,800 people. If the permit is approved, the quality of life for these people would effectively be destroyed as well.

    P.S. There will also be a pro-renewable energy rally happening the next day (Tues., Oct. 18) at the same location. While you are in town, join us for both events! Click here to RSVP.


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