Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning


No VPAP news headlines service over the weekend, so here are a few articles I think are worth reading.

*Forget Virginia, how about the state I was born in, New York, which last night legalized gay marriage. In stark contrast, here in Virginia, we’ve got the hideous (Sideshow Bob) Marshall-Newman ANTI-gay-marriage amendment on the books. What a contrast – Go New York!

UPDATE: Also, check out this diary, about how “It. Gets. Worse.” for all the homophobes out there. So sad for the bigots – boo f***ing hoo!!!

*Now, forget politics for a moment, how about the Washington Nationals apparently nabbing Davey Johnson to be their new manager, after the stunning resignation of Jim Riggleman? Oh, and the Nats won again last night, make that 12 wins in their 13 games!

*OK, now some Virginia news and politics. 🙂 First, Metro. Curtailing costs on the Silver Line (“the outlines of a deal to save Metro’s multibillion-dollar Silver Line extension to Dulles International Airport seem to be emerging…But the Silver Line isn’t out of the woods yet.”)

*Oh, and Sen. Warner Wants Dulles Metro Project Costs Reduced

*More transportation related news: Bus line shut by feds back on road with new name

*A bit of foreign policy: Webb: Security pacts with Afghanistan should require congressional approval

*Another international-related item: Alleged Bosnian war criminal arrested in Roanoke County. This guy “lived quietly as a welder and soccer coach for more than a decade.” Yikes.

*Disaster relief, or lack thereof: Va governor seeks aid for tornado victims (don’t you love how these right wingnuts bash the government until they need it, then they come begging?)

*Speaking of right wingnuts, how about Falwell appointed to manufacturing development board. Oh, hallelujah and joy! (snark)

*More right wingnuts (seems to be the emerging theme this morning): 8 Signs Your Governor Has a Koch Problem

*Also, here’s what the right wingnuts could do to our country: Warner warns of calamity if Washington won’t act on debt

*Another right wingnut, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Tim Donner, “stumps in Waynesboro”

*And last but not least, yet another editorial (I think pretty much every major newspaper in Virginia’s weighed in at this point) bashing Virginia lawmakers for their “jonquette” to France.

UPDATE: Also see Hope, Toscano & Ward: Current 10-year plan is fundamentally flawed


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