NBC/Marist Poll of Virginia: Obama 46%-Romney 42%; Kaine 46%-Allen 40%


    A new poll of Virginia by Marist has overall good news for Barack Obama and Tim Kaine:

    *Barack Obama leads Willard “Mitt” Romney by 4 points (46%-42%), while Tim Kaine leads George Allen by 6 points (46%-40%).

    *Virginia voters approve of President Obama’s job performance by a 49%-45% margin.

    *Virginia voters have a 52%-44% (+8 points) “favorable” impression of President Obama, compared to 41%-44% (-3) for Romney.

    *By a 57%-36% margin, Virginians continue to believe, correctly, that “the current economic conditions are mostly something President Obama inherited.” Virginians also believe, by a 55%-37% margin, that “the worst is behind us” in terms of the economy.

    *Obama leads Romney among women in Virginia by 10 points, but “Romney holds a narrow lead with men.”

    *Adding Bob McDonnell to the ticket doesn’t help Romney a great deal, as he still loses Virginia 46%-44% with Gov. Transvaginal on board.

    One last thought: this is the first poll I can remember that has Tim Kaine performing better in Virginia than Barack Obama. To date, I’ve been struck by the fact that Obama’s been consistently outperforming Kaine in Virginia. If this poll is accurate, maybe that’s changing now that the Republican presidential primaries are all but over and Willard’s the de facto nominee?


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