President Obama Makes Case for American Jobs Act, Challenges Republicans to Support It


    …the reason I keep going around the country talking about this jobs bill is because people really need help right now, our economy really needs a jolt right now. This is not a game. This is not the time for the usual political gridlock.


    You know, congressional Republicans say one of the most important things we can do is cut taxes. Then they should love this plan. This jobs bill would cut taxes for virtually every worker and small business in America.

    But, of course, Eric Can’tor says “no” to jobs, yes to more blind partisanship and political posturing. Apparently, for Eric Can’tor and Company, it really IS all a big game, not the deadly serious matter of the U.S. economy, and of tens of millions of peoples’ lives and livelihoods at stake. Priorities, priorities, I guess.



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