Home Virginia Politics Delegate David Bulova Kicks Off Re-Election Campaign

Delegate David Bulova Kicks Off Re-Election Campaign


Delegate David Bulova of Virginia’s 37th District kicked off his re-election campaign at 2 PM on Sunday, 22 May, at Brion’s Grille in University Mall at the corner of Braddock Road and Ox Road (Route 123). A lively crowd of over 80 supporters heard Congressman Gerry Connolly (11th District) and State Senator Chap Petersen (34th District) explain why Bulova is not only one of the most highly respected members of the Assembly, but has done an outstanding job for his constituents in Richmond, and must be returned there in the upcoming November elections.

Senator Petersen explained how Delegate Bulova had finally managed to convince the Republican-dominated Assembly to pass Bulova’s bill to force the Pickett Road tank farm to clean up their act and conform to the Commonwealth’s modern safety and environmental regulations, .The facility had been coddled and exempted from adequate regulation for many years, leading to some notable oil spills and environmental contamination in residential areas like nearby Mantua.  Senator Petersen said he was proud to work with David by pushing similar legislation through the Senate and, when Republican Governor McDonnell proposed amendments which would have favored the oil companies and gutted the bill, David managed to convince the Republican House of Delegates to over-ride their own Republican Governor and re-pass the legislation, as did the Senate—- a breath-taking feat of legislative know-how

Delegate Bulova explained how the 37th District has been modified by the recent census-imposed re-districting, changing the boundaries and bringing some 20,000 or so new constituents into the fold, whom he must meet and talk with, to learn their concerns, and explain to them his philosophy of government. He senses a lot of frustration from people who have come to believe that they no longer have any influence over their government, so he has made it his plan not only to listen to his constituents, but actively to seek solutions to local problems and concerns—- that could be called effective listening.  His objective, he explained, is to make our communities stronger, improving the quality of life and the strength of our economy so our children will have a good life here in the future.  The philosophy is exemplified by the Pickett Road tank farm legislation, where he brought citizens into the decision-making process, combining environmental concerns with civic responsibility.

The campaign this year will be an even more expensive one than the last, not only because of the necessity of communicating with all the new voters in the re-designed District, but because of strong competition from a radicalized Republican party determined to impose their social and political agenda on Virginia, much as Republican governors and legislatures have been doing in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and other states, attacking public education, the environment, women, and the middle class under the guise of “fiscal responsibility.” If you are interested in learning more about Delegate Bulova, and contributing, go to:http://davidbulova.com/


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