Home National Politics Video: Rep. Connolly Demolishes Fox’s Benghazi B.S. in 1 Minute, 4 Seconds

Video: Rep. Connolly Demolishes Fox’s Benghazi B.S. in 1 Minute, 4 Seconds


As usual, Media Matters gets it right, while of course Faux “News” puts out a constant stream of lies, distortions and demagoguery. Great job by Rep. Connolly in helping demolish Republican and right-wing media lies about the Benghazi tragedy. If the right wingnuts had any shame, they’d be ashamed of themselves. But they don’t, so they aren’t.

“Fox’s attack collapsed later in the day, however. During the question and answer portion of the testimony, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) asked Lovell specifically about claims that the military had resources that they did not utilize. Lovell explained that when he said ‘we should have tried,’ he did not mean that the response was insufficient and that it is a “fact” that there was nothing more the military could have done.”


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