Home 2019 Elections Video: Ken Cuccinelli Blows Off His CONSOL Energy Scandal: “You don’t have...

Video: Ken Cuccinelli Blows Off His CONSOL Energy Scandal: “You don’t have an actual question”


Truly amazing: In the “press scrum” earlier today following the fossil-fuel-friendly energy forum in Arlington, Ken Cuccinelli basically insulted a lot of Virginians – particularly those who live in Southwestern Virginia and have been adversely impacted by CONSOL Energy screwing them over – by blowing off a question about it, claiming it’s not an “actual question.”

Well, yes Ken Cuccinelli, it very much IS an “actual question” from people like this 76-year-old landowner, like Ken Osborne of SW Virginia, and like Shirley Keene of SW Virginia. Why are you, Ken Cuccinelli, insulting the people of Southwestern Virginia by claiming that their serious questions about your cozy relationship with an out-of-state natural gas company that screwed them over are not “real?”

In addition, check out this video to learn how Cuccinelli has helped CONSOL avoid paying Southwest Virginia landowners millions in gas royalties that they are due. The question is, why won’t Ken Cuccinelli answer real questions from real Virginians?!? What is Ken Cuccinelli so afraid of?


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